Thursday, May 28, 2009

When Pigs Fly By Lisa Wheeler

Book Genre: Fiction

Publishing Information: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division, 2003, (48 pages)

Summary: Chip, a pig is dressed up like his favorite hero, Hyper Hog, the hog who saves others on a T.V. show. He goes over to pick up his favorite friend, Fitch, who is dressed up like Timberwolf, a hero who tries to save the redwoods and protect the environment. When they get to school for hero day, every one is dressed up like Hyper Hog and no one is dressed up like Timberwolf. Timberwolf feels very out of place. Hyper Hog, being the good friend that he is takes off his cape and Timberwolf draws a tree like his on Chip's T Shirt. While they are on the playground, a small Hyper Hog runs by, trips and falls into the bushes. Chip picks up the little girl Hyper Hog and helps her. She calls the pig a real hero.

Personal Rating: (**OK) I loved the illustration on the book jacket and thought it looked like an interesting book with a lot of potential. Actually, it made very little sense and the story line was booooring. It was a big disappointment.

Reading Level: 2.5
Interest Level: 6-8 years

Possible use of text in integrated units of study:

Reading: Compile a word list that describes the students' favorite heroes.

Writing: Use the word list to write a story about the students' favorite super hero and why they like them.

Science: Why was Timberwolf a real hero? How can we be super heroes like Timberwolf and save our planet from bad things? Discussion on caring for our planet with the class.

Social Studies: Do you think Chip the Hyper Hog was the real hero? How would our world be better if we all helped each other? Class discussion.

Art: Have the students bring in a white T Shirt, and have them decorate the shirt like their favorite super hero. Ask them to create new heroes in relation to what is important to them. Ask them to wear their shirts on Hero Shirt Day.

Potential Problems or Difficulties: Getting the students to create new and relevant super heroes maybe a challenge if they are stuck on Spider man or Batman. No problem with the book, just uninteresting.

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