Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Are Trees Alive? By Debbie S. Miller

Book Genre: non-fiction

Publishing Info: Scholastic

Awards or honors received: N/A

Summary: This book compares trees to humans. The beginning of the book compares tree roots to feet that help you stand. The trunk of the tree is compared to the body of a person. It is used for support. Then the author compares the branches of a tree to the arms of a human which hold things. Trees can be dark or light, like skin color and the bark of the tree protects it like our skin protects us. The branches and leaves of the tree make a crown on top like the top of our head. Humans breathe with our mouth and nose and a tree breathes through its leaves. Sap traveling through the tree is compared to veins inside a human body transporting blood. The fruit and flowers on a tree are like a smile on a face, that draws people toward you. Seed grow up to be trees just like babies grow up to be adults. Some people grow very old, just like some trees do. Winter is a time for trees to rest, like the night is the time for humans to rest. Then Spring comes and the trees become alive again. The story ends rather suddenly by comparing a picnic to the food that trees provide
Personal rating and reason for rating: *** This story will get your students thinking about how trees and humans are alike. It has some really good information in it.

Reading level: 3.5

Interest level: K-5

Possible uses of the text in integrated units of study (reading and writing across the curriculum): Science - this story could be a great way to introduce living/non-living objects. It could also be used to identify what living things need to survive. Students could participate in a web quest about trees.
Math - Seasons could be discussed with this book as it identifies what the tree does during each season. Students can draw and label a tree during each season. A Venn Diagram could be used to compare and contrast a human and a tree.

Potential Problems or Difficulties: The story just ends very suddenly and you wish there was a better ending.

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